Coves Blanques lighthouse (disused)
Was designed by Eusebi Estada. This was the first of a series of lighthouses to be built at the end of the 19th Century independently of the 1847 plan. Its origin lies in a request made by the Town Council of Sant Antoni expressing the necessity for a lighthouse to be built due to the dangerous entrance to the harbour. In spite of the lighthouse at Conillera several shipwrecks had taken place.
It was opened as a 6th order lighthouse producing a fixed light pattern. However in 1914 several different organizations and residents made a request for the light pattern to be changed as it was easily confused with the lights of the township that was growing up in the area behind the lighthouse. This request was taken into consideration and the light pattern was replaced by a white light alternating with occultations.
In 1956 the lighthouse was automated but at the same time the building of a new breakwater meant that the light had become obsolescent.For this reason in 1963 the lighthouse was replaced by a beacon on the breakwater. The lantern was removed and the lighthouse was no longer used as a navigational aid although the adjacent cottages were used by the lighthouse keepers posted n the area up to present times.
Since 1926 the keepers of the Coves Blanques light gradually took on responsibility for the lights at Es Vedrà, Bleda Plana, Punta Xinxó and Conillera.
Balearic Lighthouses
Sa Dragonera